Pratiche Online

Coface Debitors Online Service

Bürgel Business informazione

Noi vi offriamo un particolare accesso cifrato online per le vostre pratiche. Con questo potete esaminarle in ogni momento e informarvi sul loro stato di elaborazione. Per E-Mail venite informati sui cambiamenti delle vostre pratiche. Viceversa potete usare anche voi il collegamento di alta sicurezza per prendere contatto veloce e sicuro con il vostro consigliere. Costui puó chiamare gli atti e in caso d’urgenza puó elaborarli in qualsiasi momento. L’accesso agli atti è possibile solamente mediante un particolare collegamento cifrato di altissima sicurezza e necessita di una identificazione con Password. Per terze persone non autorizzate non è quindi possibile ricevere la visione negli atti.

Accesso diretto al servizio online di Coface

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Debtor Information – Check Your Customers!

Do you need economic and credit information about your business partners? We work together with the largest foreigners in Germany and offer you the opportunity to obtain this information at wholesale prices.

That’s how it works:

  1. Click on the link in the right column “Bürgel Wirtschaftsinformationen – register here”. You are on the site of our partner Bürgel Business Information. You can view the respective product sheets as PDF. Then click on the product you are interested in. Fill out the address window and send the request.
  2. You will receive a contract offer from Bürgel Wirtschaftsinformationen as well as the price list with our wholesale prices.
  3. Fill out the contract and email / fax a Bürgel business information. The contract does not give you a minimum order of information. It was only for the information ordered. Our wholesale prices apply.
  4. You will receive an online access from our partner Bürgel Wirtschaftsinformationen, which you can use to meet your needs.
  5. Tip: The prices for the respective debtor information are different. Before ordering information, check what information you actually need about the debtor.