The lawyers of Gräf & Centorbi are pleased to advice and help you with all your queries related to this field of law.
Comprehensive advice by your law firm
Those who have visions, tend to be creative and realize their own ideas faster than competitors and usually stay a nose ahead in today’s race for customers and markets. However, quite often their product or business idea is copied or reproduced without justification. Counterfeiting and piracy are rising permanently, and copyrights are constantly violated – not only on the Internet. Therefore, industrial property rights such as patents, utility models, trademarks and designs play a vital role in the protection of intellectual property and the marking of goods or services.
Sound consulting and representation services
The law firm Gräf & Centorbi provides its clients sound and comprehensive consulting and representation services in all legal areas related to industrial property rights. These mainly include Utility Model Law, industrial design law, law of trademarks, law of competition, and copyright law.
We help you to create a strong and advantageous market position and help you to preserve this position in today’s fierce competition.
Comprehensive services for you and your company
Our lawyers, specialized in industrial property rights,
- provide expert and individual legal advice for you and your company
- formulate and check contracts as well as the standard terms and conditions
- register industrial property rights for your company
- defend you and your company against infringements
- design your company’s website in a legally watertight manner and protect you against warnings
- represent you and your company in conflicts with competitors.
Analysis of marketing and advertising strategies
Our lawyers analyse marketing and advertising strategies under the aspects of competition law. Furthermore, we offer our clients advice on the formulation and the conclusion of licensing agreements and support them when registering trademarks (at the German Patent and Trademark Office in Munich) and conducting trademark disputes on their behalf.
If violations against your trademark were already committed, the lawyers of Gräf & Centorbi draft for you individual warnings and declarations to cease and desist. We even help you to claim your interests at court and in the event, you were warned because of an infringement, we check whether such an infringement has actually occurred.
Quality advice in all fields of industrial property rights
We know our clients want to minimize their costs and risks. Thus, our business philosophy calls for developing a unique strategy and combination of tactical litigation skills with sound industry expertise. In this regard we provide expert knowledge and help our clients to find a solution to their problem keeping their business running.
Contact our experts for industrial property rights
Dominik Gräf