You are looking for a competent lawyer specializes on contract law? Please confidently contact our expert.
Well advised by your lawyer for contract law
Since contracts form the basis of our everyday lives and most business dealings, they also are at the heart of most disputes. There are many traps and pitfalls in contract law, that contracts are best handled by an experienced business lawyer:
The law firm Gräf & Centorbi, is a leading German law firm when it comes to dealing with your contract law matter. We have the skills, experience and expertise to ensure that you and your contract matter is consulted upon with the utmost professionalism. We provide support for the elaboration, wording, and monitoring of contracts and ensure that the contract complies with the current law situation. In addition, we take into consideration that all contractors act abiding by the signed contracts.
Always up to date in terms of law
We review, formulate, and negotiate for you – and/or in close cooperation with you – a multitude of different contracts. Afterwards, your lawyer for contract law monitors the practical and legal enforceability of the contracts. Shall the legal situation or the interpretation of the case-law change, our law firm instantly checks all contracts signed until then. Your lawyer specialized on contract law submits proposals how your contracts can be adapted sensibly. Need help with a contract? Our experienced contract law attorneys are ready to help.
Professionally prepared
In close cooperation with you we draft and formulate your contracts in such a way that they withstand a judicial examination. Your lawyer for contract law organizes your contact negotiations and pre-structures their contents. Moreover, he obtains all necessary information about the negotiating issue and the position of your negotiating partner. This proceeding ensures that you are in an excellent initial situation and will achieve the best possible result.
Certainty creates trust
We take note of the contracts you have already signed, and evaluate them from a legal and factual point of view. As a result of it, we show our clients existing potentials for savings. The relationship of trust between clients and our lawyer for contract law ensures that they feel confident in their contract negotiations – and, of course, well advised.
Why should you hire us?
- We Will Protect and Preserve Your Legal Rights
- We Will Ensure that Your Agreement is Well-Drafted and Fully Enforceable
- Will Help You Build and Preserve Long-Term Business Relationships
Competence backed by extensive experience
Dominik Gräf